ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL CHANGES: It is very important that our student database be kept up to date (especially in the event of an emergency!) Any changes to a student’s address or phone number, or parent contact numbers and email addresses, should be reported to the office please (604-517-6040).
ATTENDANCE: We ask that parent/guardians use the Report a Student Absence on our website or call the school to advise the office of any absence. Calls may be made 24 hours a day through our voice message system (604-517-6040). If we don’t receive a call regarding a student’s absence, we will make every attempt to contact the parent/guardian so that we know the student is safe.
Students who are absent for more than one day should contact their homeroom teacher for work they missed during that time. Students are responsible for making up missed work due to absences.
DAILY PHYSICAL ACTIVITY (DPA): Regular physical activity is beneficial to learning and general health. Under the supervision of their teachers, QMS students participate in DPA, either in our gym or by doing “power walks” in the neighbourhood.
DRESS: We expect all students and staff to dress in a way that supports and promotes a positive learning environment. Clothing and accessories that contain obscene, discriminatory or suggestive symbols, words or pictures are not permitted. We ask that individuals respect the guidelines and learning environment when choosing attire for school.
ELECTRONIC DEVICES: Personal electronic devices are allowed in classrooms for educational purposes where permission has been granted by parents or guardians. Electronics used for personal purposes will not be permitted in the hallways during the day or outside during recess and lunch at QMS. Students who bring personal electronic devices (such as cell phones, iPods, etc.) do so at their own risk. If students do bring electronic devices to school, these items must be locked in their lockers during the school day unless they are being used for educational purposes under the direct supervision of staff. Any devices being used in the hallway or outside during the day for other than educational purposes will be taken away by a staff member and returned at the end of the school day. If a device is taken away for a second time, a parent/guardian will be asked to come to the school to pick it up. If misuse of electronic devices continues, the student will be asked to hand their phone in to the office upon arrival to school each day.
EMAIL: We will be using email to send school newsletters, notices and to inform you of upcoming events or other important information. Please report any changes to your email address to the office at (604)517-6040.
Students are responsible to follow the procedures for fire drills:
- Know where to find the emergency exits.
- Stand at the sound of the fire alarm bell and, on the direction of the teacher, follow him or her to the nearest exit (quickly and quietly!)
- If the alarm bell rings outside of class time, leave the building quietly and quickly by the nearest safe exit.
- Know where the gathering point is for their class.
- Return to the building when instructed to by staff.
The procedures for earthquake drills are as follows:
- Know the “Duck, Cover and Hold” response and other safety considerations.
- Follow the teacher’s instructions if an evacuation is necessary (know that the evacuation route for earthquakes may differ from that of fire).
There will be earthquake, fire, lockdown & other emergency drills throughout the school year.
EXTENDED ABSENCE: If you are planning to take your child out of school for an extended length of time please notify the QMS office in writing, as early as possible, informing us of the dates of the absence. Unfortunately, if a child misses school for an extended period of time, he or she will be “behind” in classroom work. Travel and other cultural experiences are learning experiences; however, they cannot replace the many varied classroom activities. Staff will not provide “homework” for students who are absent for an extended time on holiday. Evaluation for the report card will only be based upon work for which the student was present at school. Students who are absent for the majority of a term may not receive a letter grade on the report card at the end of that term. Parents should also be aware that if a child is absent for more than four weeks, the school cannot “hold” a place at the school or in the same classroom, and the student may not be placed in the same classroom upon their return.
FIELD TRIPS: Parent/guardian permission forms are to be signed prior to departure for all school authorized excursions. The school’s Code of Conduct applies to all school activities both on and off campus.
HOMEWORK: Learning is more than just a class activity and independent learning is valued. Homework, therefore, is an important complement to our educational program. Remember, homework is more than completing assigned tasks – reviewing material and studying are also components of homework. Students may receive up to one hour of homework each night.
ILLNESS OR INJURY: If a student feels ill, they should ask their teacher for permission to come to the office. Office staff will assess the illness and admit the student to the health room and/or call the parent/guardian. If your child is ill, DO NOT send them to school.
We have staff trained in first aid should a student be injured. The parent/guardian will be contacted and, in serious cases, the school will call for emergency medical support.
LATENESS: Students who are late must check in at the office upon arrival to school and then proceed to class. We expect that students provide a reason for their lateness. Students who are late may have to make up lost time after school. For security purposes, all doors except the front door will be locked during the school day.
LOCKERS: Lockers are the property of the school and are “on loan” to students for the school year. The school, therefore, reserves the right to inspect lockers periodically throughout the year. Students may only use the locker assigned to them and, under no circumstances, may share a locker with another student. Combination locks may be purchased at the school office. It is also important that students not share their lock combination with anyone else except their homeroom teacher who will record it and keep it on file. Students should keep valuable items in their lockers but do so at their own risk. Students may decorate the inside of their lockers with pictures that are in good taste, using magnets (not tape) to attach items so that there is no damage to the locker.
LOST AND FOUND: All lost and found items should be turned in at the school office. Valuables should not be brought to school. The school cannot be responsible for any lost items. During P.E. classes, items such as watches and jewelry should not be left in the change room.
LUNCH: In the interest of safety and security, students must remain on school grounds at all times unless a parent or guardian has completed a form giving them permission to go home for lunch. These forms are available at the office. Permission will not be granted to go to a friend’s house for lunch or to go to a store. Students will also be permitted to leave the campus if their parent picks them up and accompanies them.
MEDICAL INFORMATION: Students who have medical conditions that may require school assistance must make this known to our school office. It is imperative that this information is kept up to date.
MEDICATION: There are strict guidelines from our Public Health Nurse that we must follow. These apply to any medication, whether it is “over-the-counter” or prescription. If medication is required, including emergency or non-emergency medication, a Request for Administration of Medication at School Form #3 is required. This form must be completed by the parent/ guardian and physician. Whenever medication is to be administered on a regular basis, medication given will be recorded on a Medication Administration Record.
- Whenever possible, medication should be administered at home and not at school.
- All medication in the school must be kept at the office.
- Under no circumstances should a student have medication in his or her possession. This is to prevent the possibility of another student coming into contact with or taking medication to which they may have an allergy.
NUTRITION BREAK: Students will go outside on most days to socialize, get fresh air, exercise and to enjoy their nutritious snacks. Please encourage your child to dress appropriately for the weather. We encourage students to bring healthy snacks. We discourage pop and candy in our school. Research shows that students who eat healthy foods are more successful as learners. There is supervision outside during nutrition break and lunch from QMS Support Staff. There is no supervision outside before or after school.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Students are required to change into PE strip (t-shirt or sweatshirt, shorts or sweatpants and running shoes). Students will be responsible for appropriate use of sports equipment. Students will be held responsible for the replacement of equipment damaged through careless or irresponsible use.
SAFETY: Safety is of paramount importance at QMS. Some important features of our safe school include:
- Secure Campus – We care about our students and need to know where they are throughout the day. A secure campus means that only students who attend QMS may be on the school grounds during the day. It also means that once students arrive at school they must remain at school for the remainder of the day. This means that they cannot leave for lunch unless they have a form signed by their parent or guardian authorizing them to go home for lunch. This form will be kept on file at the office.
- Visitors to the School – All visitors during the school day, including parents, must check in at the office. They will be issued with a visitor ID badge. All visitors must enter through the front doors since, for security reasons, all other doors will be locked while school is in session.
- School Code of Conduct – With input from students, staff and parents a QMS Code of Conduct has been developed (included with student planners). This is based on the school and community values of showing respect for self and others, the learning environment and the Earth’s environment. Our code of conduct follows the guidelines of the BC Human Rights Code. Students are expected to follow these guidelines by behaving in safe and respectful ways.
SKATEBOARDS, SCOOTERS, BICYCLES: Students are welcome to bring their skateboards, scooters or bicycles to school. Bicycles can be secured to the bike racks located outside at the front of the school. The school cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage to these items. For the safety of others, students are not to ride their skateboards, scooters and bicycles on school property immediately before and after school. Helmets must be worn while operating any of the above on the way to or from school.
STUDENT SERVICES: There are a variety of services available at QMS.
Queensborough Middle School has counselling support available three days a week, and a Child Care Worker who is at the school two and a half days a week. Counselling support is available to all students for individual or group counselling in areas of student need. The counsellors may help with:
- Personal and social issues
- How to become more successful at school
- Referrals to external services for students and/or their family
- Consultation and/or mediation
- Preventative programs (e.g. anger and conflict resolution)
TEXTBOOKS: Students will be issued textbooks by their teachers for use for the duration of the year. Any damage or loss of textbooks will be the responsibility of the students and, if necessary, they will be billed for replacement costs. Students will also be required to pay for any library books which they lose or damage.
UNIFORMS: Students on school teams will be issued QMS athletic uniforms and will be expected to return them cleaned and in good condition.